Get Involved
When you do nothing you feel overwhelmed and powerless. But when you get involved you feel the sense of hope and accomplishment that comes from knowing you are working to make things better. ~Maya Angelou

All Jewish women and women who are committed to the purpose and vision of Sisterhood (above) may be members of Sisterhood. To be a member, you must pay dues and be of Bat Mitzvah age. The annual dues amounts are determined by the Sisterhood Board. The membership year is January 1st through December 31st. All membership categories below may vote and lead clubs. Only “Regular” members may serve on the Sisterhood Board.
Regular Member dues $15 per year – open to women who are paid members of Congregation Beth Israel.
Associate Member dues $20 per year – open to women who are not paid members of Congregation Beth Israel who meet the requirements of membership as stated above.
To join please contact the Beth Israel Office Tel: 910-484-6462
Sunday School
Our curriculum is from preschool – 12th grade, in which learners revisit key content areas with increased sophistication as they progress through the curriculum. The ten key content areas are: Community, Culture and Symbols, God, Hebrew and Prayer, Israel, Jewish History, Jewish Holidays, Jewish Lifecycle Events, Mitzvot and Jewish Values, and TaNaKh(Torah, Prophets, and Writings).
Click Here to Download the Registration Form.

Religious Study
Adult Education
Our Adult Learning program provides a continuum of learning with entry points for beginners as well as seasoned scholars.
It provides opportunities for daytime and evening learning and appeals to a broad range of interests and learning styles.
Providing learning that leads to a deeper sense of personal purpose and meaning fosters Jewish literacy and stimulates curiosity. It also builds community and deepens interpersonal connections.
Our program is rich with scholarly lectures, formal and informal study, discussion groups, Judaic classes, Hebrew classes, and other unique learning opportunities offer our members various ways to enrich spiritual and intellectual growth.
Adult Jewish Learning opportunities resume in the fall.