

The purpose of Sisterhood is to support and further the highest ideals of Judaism and the goals of the Congregation.  Sisterhood aims to enrich our Congregation, ourselves and our larger external community through social and service activity.




All Jewish women and women who are committed to the purpose and vision of Sisterhood (above) may be members of Sisterhood.  To be a member, you must pay dues and be of Bat Mitzvah age. The annual dues amounts are determined by the Sisterhood Board.  The membership year is January 1st through December 31st. All membership categories below may vote and lead clubs. Only “Regular” members may serve on the Sisterhood Board.

Regular Member dues $15 per year – open to women who are paid members of Congregation Beth Israel.

Associate Member dues $20 per year – open to women who are not paid members of Congregation Beth Israel who meet the requirements of membership as stated above.  

Sisterhood organizes Onegs (refreshment after services), the annual New Year Card and Break Fast at the conclusion of Yom Kippur.  We have social events and activities throughout the year. We hope that you will join us!

To join please contact the Beth Israel Office Tel: 910-484-6462